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Cancer-Free Since 2017 – Featured Healing Story

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

In 2016, Julie was told that a serious carcinoma had been found in her uterus after a routine hysterectomy. The carcinoma had metastasized. It was rare and fast-growing. She was registered for hospice and told that chemo would not cure her. She found that she was expected to die within 18 months according to statistics, and the chemo and radiotherapy simply offered her more time… 

Here is her story in her own words:

“One summer’s day in 2016 I found myself yet again exhausted and bedridden from heavy menstrual blood loss which had become relentless. The doctor had prescribed progesterone in pills and the coil which would give temporary relief but the hemorrhaging would soon reappear. My spiraling health meant that I was struggling to keep my award-winning business afloat and I felt trapped in a loveless marriage.

Lying on the bed with the warm afternoon sunlight bathing me through the windows, I found myself drifting into a visualization where I had a life free from these troubles. How convenient would it be if, after the hysterectomy (now scheduled), they would find cancer, enabling me to claim my Critical Life Insurance – my ticket out of this mess that I was in! Be careful what you wish for (I knew nothing about cancer at the time!

A few months later when I was sitting on the same bed recovering from the hysterectomy which had all gone smoothly and I was feeling better than I’d felt for years, I unexpectantly received a phone call from the surgeon/gynecologist: “I’m really sorry but they have found cancer in the lab….” The first thought rushing through my mind was: “Oh my God, I did it!” I simultaneously had a warm feeling of unconditional love and excitement run through me, rushing up from my toes through the top of my head.

The wonder was short-lived when subsequent tests went on to prove that the tumor had metastasized to my para aorta lymph nodes and worse still was rare and fast-growing. My prognosis was terminal. It was Christmas and my daughter was 11 years old. I went into shock wondering how on earth I would get through what may be my last Christmas with my beautiful child. Whilst still in shock I started chemo immediately in the New Year 2017, valuing any extra day with my daughter that it may bring me.

I really struggled with chemo. I was bedridden for 2 out of every 3 weeks and experienced a panic attack when I thought I was having a heart attack (a side effect of a drug given). In my heart, I knew that doing chemo didn’t make sense. The oncologist had made it clear that it wasn’t a cure and I sure didn’t want my daughter’s last memories being like this. Quality over quantity of time made sense at this point just as my hair was starting to fall out.

The choice to stop chemo was challenging, especially as the oncologist advised me to continue as it had shrunk the largest node by 25% after just two treatments. But I had also started to search the internet for survival stories and friends were sending me alternative websites and information. But life was also weaving its magic: an old friend suggested that I speak to Dr. Rosy Daniel who was an integrative doctor. I didn’t know that such a thing existed.

Rosy became my guiding star (and still is). She encouraged me to trust my instincts and gave me options as to ways forward. I now felt held whereas the NHS left me feeling like a rudderless ship. I came away with a list of supplements, a diet plan, and the idea of doing the RGCC test. But most importantly she encouraged me to remove all stress and follow my heart. I knew in my heart that I had to leave my marriage. My business was in boxes as I was about to move premises after recovering from my hysterectomy. I let go of that too in order to focus 100% on healing.

With the help of first-class counseling from the hospice, I separated from my husband and moved out into an apartment that we owned. I created a sanctuary from which I could spend time juicing and eating well, restoring my gut biome. I would spend precious time going inwards with meditation practice and time alone. My days were structured around therapies such as homeopathy, EFT, Qi Gong, and hyperbaric oxygen.

I also went on specialized cancer retreats, where I could be held and nurtured. Cancer charity Penny Brohn UK provides wonderful breaks. During one such time, I was particularly tearful, facing the fear head-on of leaving my daughter behind. Whilst in the library at Penny Brohn I found the amazing book ‘Dying to be Me’ by Anita Moorjani which eased all my concerns and enabled me to let go of the biggest remaining stress factor.

I was then able to move forward and built the results of the RGCC test into my supplement regime and continued to focus on wellness and healing, paying no attention at all to dying.

As I got better my daughter needed my full attention as she was struggling at school and had become a school refuser. I had no choice but to home school her for a year before finding a small school more suited to her needs. I was feeling fit and strong – she was my motivation and purpose.

By September 2017 my scans were clear and have remained so ever since. I am happier now than I have ever been in my life. Cancer was the messenger needed to make me leave my marriage and follow my heart.

I believe that my body started to break down during my honeymoon when I knew that I had married the wrong man. A year later I discovered when I was pregnant that I had an autoimmune skin disease called lichen sclerosis. This was not helped when after a difficult birth, my baby didn’t sleep for almost 5 years. My marriage had deteriorated and I was extremely exhausted, stressed out, and unhappy.

I believe that it is no coincidence that when I left my marriage I quickly healed.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As of April 2022, Julie remains well and thriving post-cancer diagnosis. Watch the video of her story HERE.

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