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The 10 Radical Remission Healing Factors

  • Empowering Yourself

  • Finding Strong Reasons For Living

  • Radically Changing your Diet

  • Having a Spiritual Connection

  • Using Herbs & Supplements

  • Increasing Exercise & Movement

  • Following your Intuition

  • Releasing Suppressed Emotions

  • Increasing Positive Emotions

  • Finding Social Support

Radical Remission™ Project "Stories That Heal" Podcast

​The Radical Remission Project “Stories That Heal” Podcast is dedicated to sharing true stories of people who have overcome the odds of their diagnosis and the personal experiences witnessed by their healers.  

We hope these stories will inspire you to become the leader of your healing journey!

How it all began...

The Radical Remission™ Project was born out of Kelly A. Turner, PhD’s dissertation research on radical remissions. As Dr. Turner continued the research, she realized that the opinions of two groups of people were typically missing from the 1,000+ cases published in medical journals - the survivors themselves and their alternative healers.


Because conventional medical doctors do not currently have an explanation for why radical remissions’s occur, Dr. Turner decided to ask these two ignored groups what they thought could lead to a radical remission.


Her research has continued, and Dr. Turner has now analyzed over 1,500 cases of radical remissions, including those using an integrative approach. The findings of her research are summarized in the New York Times and Amazon bestsellers, Radical Remission and Radical Hope.

Listen in to hear from guests like Kris Carr, Dr. Henning Saupe, Dean Hall, Dr. Keith Block and more...

Kris Carr


Radical Remission Survivor & NY Times Bestselling Author


Henning Saupe, MD


Director, Arcadia Praxisklinik Integrative Cancer Treatment


Dean Hall


Radical Remission Survivor & Bestselling Author


Keith Block, MD


Founder, Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment



Karla Mans-Giroux


Co-Director, Radical Remission Project


Kelly A. Turner, PhD


Founder, Radical Remission Project


Liz Curran


Co-Director, Radical Remission Project

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Be on our Podcast?

We'd love to hear your healing story - and/or hear about your healing/medical practice! Fiill out this form and we'll be in touch if you meet our interview criteria.

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