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Thank you for your interest in The Radical Remission Project. We want to make sure you get the information you are looking for, but please understand that we do not have the ability to respond to every inquiry, though we wish we could.

We receive many inquiries a week and have worked hard to set up the Radical Remission website to be able to answer what we can and provide resources for what we can’t. Please take the time to read through the information below to help you find what you are looking for.

If you are interested in collaborating with us on a project, skip to the bottom to find that information.

If you’re seeking medical help or advice…

The Radical Remission Project does not give out medical advice, but we do give personalized health and wellness advice to individuals via our 100+ Certified Radical Remission Health Coaches, which you can browse here. Please note, Dr. Turner is no longer offering one-on-one Integrative Cancer Consults. To find an integrative doctor, we suggest browsing  SIO’s page, Glenn’s page, Elyn’s page, and OncANP‘s page to help you in your search.

We also offer the Radical Remission Online Course, which provides specific information and exercises for applying the Radical Remission healing factors into your own life.

If you’re curious about the Radical Remission Online Course…

You can learn more here. This online course allows you to integrate the Radical Remission healing factors into your daily life from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. Whether you’re a cancer patient, survivor, a friend or family member of a cancer patient, or simply looking for preventative information, our online course is here to help.

If you want to share your own story…

We would love for you to participate in our Radical Remission research and podcast! Please share your healing story with us here.

If you’re looking for Radical Remission stories…

You can browse through our featured healing stories of the month here.

If you have additional questions…

Please visit our FAQ page. It’s likely that you’ll find the answer you’re looking for there. 

If you have a speaking or media request…

Please fill out the media/speaking engagement request form below. Please do not email us; rather, you must fill out the media request form as a first line of contact. 


Other topics:
Do you have questions about becoming a Radical Remission Teacher or Health Coach? Questions about taking a Radical Remission Workshop or receiving Health Coaching? Want to know more about our Docuseries or the current Radical Remission research being conducted?

If you still have not found the information you are seeking in the resources listed, you may email us at info [at] radicalremission [dot] com

The Radical Remission Project


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Media/Interview Requests

Thank you so much for your interest in an interview with someone from the Radical Remission Project. Before we can we respond to your speaking/media request, we kindly ask that you answer the following questions:

Thanks for submitting!

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