In 2010, Peggy found a small bump on her neck that turned out to be Stage 1 Follicular Lymphoma. After receiving a few weeks of traditional treatment, her cancer was cured. However, two years later it had advanced to stage 3.
Peggy decided to make changes to her lifestyle. She changed her diet, started taking supplements, started meditation, and implemented other habits, and now Peggy has been stable for two years!
Here is her story in her own words:
“A little bump on my neck was found to be Stage 1 Follicular Lymphoma in 2010. A few weeks under the radiation mask and I was declared “cured”. 2013 found me angry, stressed, disillusioned with life and fNHL decided to wake me up to those emotions with a Stage 3 advancement – meaning there were now active nodes above and below the neck.
Rallying the inner self, I changed diet, added supplements and vitamins, eliminated stressors, had a symptomatic root canal and 3 out of 4 wisdom tooth cavitations removed/cleaned out by an IAOMT dentist, found a new church and spiritual practice, started to meditate and did Infrared saunas regularly. I also learned of my heterozygous MTHFR diagnosis and how I needed targeted supplements for this as well as eliminating/avoiding environmental toxins like glyphosate, 2,4-D (herbicides) and using different laundry detergents, shampoos, toothpaste, etc.
Blessed to say my lymph nodes have significantly decreased per PET scan and I know it’s just a matter of time before the next PET scan shows “spontaneous remission.” Hah! How spontaneous are all the steps taken to get me there? It’s hardly spontaneous. I think we should rename it ‘manifested, deliberate remission.’
My healing has occurred spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, and physically. I’m AMAZED at how much inner knowledge our bodies and minds have! Besides diet, exercise, saunas, supplements, etc., three things have propelled my healing forward, along with the “foundations” just mentioned.
1.) Having an IAOMT dentist remove my asymptomatic, infected root canal and 3 out of 4 infected cavitations that were 40+ years old (wisdom teeth). (Listen to Oral Health Care summit with host Jonathan Landsman for more info). I started to notice my nodes getting smaller 4 weeks after the procedure.
2.) I was always active – marathons, cycling, hiking, etc. But sitting still was not my forte. I started reading “I Am The Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza and attended his meditation workshop. The last thing I ever thought I’d be doing has become a major cornerstone of my healing! Daily meditation – even if it’s only 5 minutes.
3.) The hand of God has been all over my healing! From hearing the Oral Health Care Summit to having a friend introduce me to Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work, to having Radical Remission catch my eye in the bookstore and finding an acupuncturist that shared my diagnosis and zest for inner change.
The synchronicities have been endless and laid at my feet! I’ve been gifted with the discipline to follow a new lifestyle, a curiosity for learning and an openness to follow my now, much stronger, inner voice. The end result being a new joy for living and grateful for where Follicular Lymphoma has taken me. The adventure continues!
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