In January 2015, Andrea was diagnosed with clear cell ovarian carcinoma. She refused chemotherapy and decided instead to fast and make radical diet changes. Andrea then went to the inpatient clinic, Klinik Marinus in Brannenburg, Germany. Andrea now shows no evidence of disease.
This is her story in her own words:
Healing physically from a radical hysterectomy was easier than recovering from the psychic wound that the diagnosis caused. Despite post-operative complications, I recovered from the surgery quickly once I got out of the hospital. Recovering from the emotional trauma was a lot more daunting and painful.
When I arrived in Germany, everything improved greatly for me. Dr. Weber and the staff at Klinik Marinus treat every patient as if they are the only patient in the klinik, very unlike traditional American medicine. It wasn’t until I got to Germany that a physician reviewed my pathology report with me. The surgeon who operated on me did not do this and a report wasn’t given to me when I left his office the day of diagnosis. Being so poorly informed about my health was damaging.
The day of my diagnosis, the office visit took no more than 20 minutes. Half of that time was spent by a nurse removing surgical staples and the other half (ten minutes!) was spent by the oncologist telling me I had cancer and recommending chemo. At the end of the visit, I was asked to sign papers I was too distraught to read or understand. The last thing the doctor said to me was “See you in three months”. Then he was gone. In contrast, my German doctor encouraged me every time we met and went out of his way to keep me informed about blood test results.
He was the first doctor to review the pathology report with me. It was in Germany, not the U.S.,where I learned that 19 lymph nodes had been removed during surgery. I was also seriously anemic after the surgery, but my American oncologist never mentioned that to me either. I was not a statistic or a collection of symptoms to Dr. Weber. I was a person who mattered and deserved his time and attention. He got me to laugh as often as possible because he knew it was an important part of recovery. His commitment and reassurance, even after I returned to the States, was life changing for me.
My treatment protocol in Germany included daily localized hyperthermia, IV infusions of Vitamin C, Selenium, B vitamins, Artemisinin and Iron (to resolve my anemia), ozone blood infusions, thymus and mistletoe injections, oxygen combined with magnetic field therapies, massage, reflexology, numerous oral supplements and daily liver detox. These therapies kill cancer cells without damaging healthy ones, bolster the immune system and assist the body with detoxification.
The worst side effect I experienced was mild fatigue that lasted about an hour after the hyperthermia and liver detox. I took Artemisinin for two months after returning home and also used a Rife machine for a year after treatment. Patients are not isolated at Klinik Marinus. All treatments are administered in bright, open rooms with other patients and staff around at all times. People talk about where they are from and what they are going through. They encourage one another.
In Germany, I knew that I was not alone on my journey. The support, information, and treatment I received from the staff at Klinik Marinus are what healed my body, mind, and spirit. Having a lifestyle that is centered around the 9 Healing Factors of Radical Remission is what keeps me healthy and cancer-free. I believe it always will.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As of May 2022, Andrea is thriving post-diagnosis.
Her is her update:
Living a Radical Remission lifestyle consistently has strengthened and supported my emotional, mental and physical wellness in ways that I couldn’t have imagined when I was diagnosed nearly six years ago. Back then, I only wanted to recover and not live in fear for the rest of my life. My fear is gone. Now every day is a chance for me to change the way we talk about cancer by sharing the hope and power of the 10 Healing Factors of Radical Remission.
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Dear Radical Remission Team, I am interested to connect with Ms. Andrea who was diagnosed with clear cell ovarian carcinoma in January 2015. She shared her healing journey by saying no to chemoteraphy treatment, and going through holistic treatment in Germany - Klinik Marinus with Dr. Weber I checked from Google that Klinik Marinus has permanently closed. Would like to check with Ms. Andrea, if I could have a way to connect with Dr. Weber from Klinik Marinus please?
I was just diagnosed with Stage 1A - Ovaries Clear Carcinoma Cell, and my oncologist wants to put me on 6 cycle of pchemotheraphy, which made me so hesitated after learning the long-term effect. Exploring this alternative way to recover my body syste…