Mary Lynne Zahler
Email Address

North Canton, OH, USA
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Teacher Specifics
I offer virtual as well as in-person coaching sessions
Mary Lynne is passionate about health, fitness, and well-being. She is a career wellness and mental health professional, a wife and mother, a writer, and an animal rescuer. She has also dealt with cancer (and other autoimmune diseases), both personally and within her immediate family.
Mary Lynne received her Master’s degree in health education & exercise science and her Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. In addition she has completed extensive post-graduate study in clinical psychology, health/wellness counseling, family & child life, and the expressive/creative arts therapies. She is a licensed social worker (LSW), a master certified health education specialist (MCHES), a certified wellness practitioner (CWP), a certified child life specialist (CCLS), and a certified family life educator (CFLE).
Besides being a certified fitness instructor, personal trainer, and yoga instructor (500-RYT), she has earned multiple certifications in stress management and resiliency, mind/body skills, mindfulness, meditation, Reiki, health coaching, and journaling. Her professional interests include integrative health, the role of the arts in health and healing, and positive psychology.
Mary Lynne is excited to be a Certified Radical Remission Health Coach and Workshop Instructor. She knows from her own experience that practicing the ten factors that Dr. Turner has researched and written widely about can change lives for the better: for people with cancer, for individuals with other health issues including autoimmune diseases, and even for those trying to prevent serious illness in their lives. The fact that these ten Radical Remission practices can strengthen the immune system also sets them up as factors that simultaneously can also improve the quality of one’s life, disease presence or not. So sharing this important scientific research and providing education, support, and encouragement for those who want to learn and work through the key factors is a true honor for Mary Lynne.
In North Canton, Ohio, Mary Lynne can be reached at or at 330-966-7325.