Jessie (pictured left) is a Radical Remission survivor of stage 4 cervical cancer. Diagnosed at the age of 48, she combined conventional and alternative methods to overcome incredible odds. She currently has no evidence of disease.
Here is her story in her own words.
I am a radical remission survivor! I was diagnosed with stage 4b Squamous cell and adenocarcinoma cervical cancer in 12 lymph nodes in January 2013. I had de-bulking surgery [in 2013]. They took out 30 lymph nodes. The cancer was in 12 of them. I had 5 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation together, along with 5 surgeries, and the entire summer of chemotherapy. This gave me more time but was brutal on my body. I could barely walk and had severe lymphedema in both legs and treatment-induced diabetes. But I was alive and grateful.
I had to live because I was the caregiver of my severely mentally ill son who was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years previously. I was determined to do anything that would give me more time to help my son. He would become so catatonic that he couldn’t put a fork to his mouth. He had severe, dystonic reactions to all the medications we tried – so severe that for 6 months he was taken weekly to the hospital by ambulance. And every episode posed a threat of permanent distortion and disfigurement for him. So I had to live as long as possible for him. I prayed for more time. My 26-year-old daughter was going to take over as caregiver after my impending death.
So, while I had 5 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation together, along with 5 surgeries and the entire summer of chemotherapy, my son was in and out of the mental hospital. I researched and came up with “My Strategic Game Plan” to live longer. I found out the best foods and vitamins to beat this so my body could heal itself. I threw out junk foods.
My daily medicine is colorful veggies. I eat garlic and colorful onions daily. I take probiotics and drink half my body weight in ounces of water each day. I use a Nutribullet [blender] and watched “Forks Over Knives” [a documentary] daily for almost 6 months. I still watch it several times a month to keep me on track. I fight inflammation with ginger root, tart cherries and turmeric with black pepper. I did Vitamin C I.V. treatments and quit smoking.
I planted a garden and get sunshine and fresh air. I pray and have an abundance of faith, hope and love. I surround myself with positive people and have inspirational quotes at eye level around me. I avoid stress like the plague and protect my immunity. I use sleep to repair my body daily. I do deep breathing and visualization. Well, not only have I lived longer, I am thriving! This is literally the healthiest I have ever been in my life.
My side effects are almost all gone from [the conventional medicine] treatment. I’m working hard to get off my last medication, which is for treatment-induced diabetes.
If you meet me you would never guess what I went through because I look so healthy. Everyone calls me the walking miracle. But my greatest miracle is that my son did this with me and he is thriving too! He has a full-time job and has money saved to move out on his own. He has been off all medications for almost a year and maintains his health with vitamins and healthy foods. We are both so blessed and grateful for this second chance. We give HOPE to the HOPELESS.
[In summary], I ate colorful veggies, took vitamins, quit smoking, drank water; avoided sugar, junk food, stress and illness; took probiotics and used sleep to repair my body. I had an abundance of faith, hope and love. My son did this with me and we are both thriving!
[Regarding what I think may have caused my cancer], I believe [it was] chronic stress along with a weakened immune system created by my poor lifestyle choices. I took better care of everything else in my life than my own body and health, which is my greatest asset. I didn’t value sleep or nutrition. I didn’t realize how deadly stress was to me.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As of April 2020, Jessie is well and thriving post-diagnosis.
My son and I have absolutely no medical setbacks or complications. We are not on any medications except vitamins and healthy foods.
My son beat severe paranoid schizophrenic by eating healthy foods and high doses of B vitamins especially niacin. He worked 8 months for Hurricane Michael doing roofing on apartments and hotels. He lived in a motor home with 5 guys. He is now working at a factory in Toledo making great money and benefits. He has his own place, pays his owns bills and bought his own car. He’s gotten 2 promotions!
I have since moved to Florida to start my dream business! It’s a thrift shop called Parrott’s Hidden Treasures. Even though we are a for profit our main goal is to bless others. We give to homeless, veterans and foster families. Anyone in need gets what they need for free. Everything is washed! We raised 220 dollars for foster kids for Christmas our first 10 days of business. Any girl can borrow a dress for prom or any dance for free. We raised 1,200 so far for our veterans program. Our goal is to take 20 veterans and a guest to a Tampa Bay game in October…
But our main goal is to share our story of HOPE. We tell our customers how I beat stage 4b cervical cancer in 12 Lymph nodes… and how my son beat paranoid schizophrenia. We did it using Radical Remission strategies although it was before I knew of the book. My son is my HERO because he is allowing my voice to share our story.
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