Radical Remission™:
Applying the Key Healing Factors Into Your Own Life
~ A Self-Paced Online Course by Kelly Turner, PhD ~
Now Open!
Who Is The Course For?

Cancer Patients & Survivors

Friends & Family of Cancer Patients

Anyone Who Wants to Prevent Cancer
What Can I Expect?
This e-course will lead you through tangible action steps that will allow you to bring the Key Healing Factors from Kelly Turner, PhD’s research into your daily life.
The course is based on her NY Times Bestseller Radical Remission (now in 20 languages), and more specifically on her popular, in-person “Radical Remission” workshop.
Thanks to this new e-course, you will be able to experience this workshop from the comfort of your own home, at a pace that suits you.
Are you ready to incorporate the Key Radical Remission Healing Factors into your life?
What Does It Include?
Lifetime Access to 9 Modules
Where you work through one factor at a time, at your own pace.
Instructional Videos & Worksheets
Prepared by Kelly Turner, PhD, plus downloadable audio files.
You'll find bonus materials from CAM thought leaders throughout the course.
Praise for the Course

Carolyn Long, Holistic Healer
"We all have healing to do. Some of us know what we need to do, but many of us don’t, or are too overwhelmed to go there. Each of the exercises in this amazingly powerful course gave myself – and, more importantly, those who were battling cancer – the tools to help us all achieve the balance we need."

Lydia L.
"When I found out in that my cancer returned after 9 years and had metastasized, my colleague told me to read Radical Remission. It is my bible! Also, by taking the Radical Remission Course, I got so much more than by just doing the worksheets on my own. I got to hear Kelly’s insight from her research, learned how to prioritize, and made 1-, 6- and 12-month goals. The course gave me the faith that this is the right path to take. I now practice all 9 healing factors and have been able to reverse metastatic liver and bone cancer as of January 2016. This book and course SAVED MY LIFE. Thank you, Kelly!"

Beatrice Gamboa
"The course was amazing. I have always been interested in why and how some people survive cancer and others don’t. The information and the way Dr. Kelly Turner presented it made for a fascinating experience. Thank you, Kelly, for the work you do!"

"Thank you SO much for the amazing work you are doing! I’m an optimistic person, but sometimes it’s helpful to get hope from outside of yourself. You gave me more options, hope, and the feeling of belonging to the survivor’s world (which I had, but it’s totally different when you see the wide work of so many people). I got stronger and more inspired! Thank you & bless you."

R Lets
"I liked the practicality of the course as well as the imagination and meditation techniques and the goal session game plan."

"All aspects resonated with my understanding of wellbeing."

Miracle Steinfeld
“I liked the combination of Dr. Turner’s research and her nonjudgemental way of presenting it.”

Robin Bavaro
​“My awareness of whole self-care has increased even more and this course has inspired me to reflect and enhance my choices each day as well as nurture my life overall!“

Hope C.
“I loved the dive into each topic and the way it reinforces the information in the book. The course & the book are full of practical suggestions which are incredibly helpful. Kelly, thank you so much for your work! I’ve read Radical Remission & Radical Hope cover-to-cover, and both were inspiring. I’ve bought copies for two friends who are also dealing with cancer, and they were so appreciative of your message of hope and your practical suggestions.“

M. L. Z.
“I am looking forward to taking the training and coaching program next as a licensed social worker and health educator. Thank you for this great program!“

“Having read the book more than once, this course amplified each of the nine aspects and brought them more to life. “

Judith Schwartz, M. A.
​“This course was invaluable in reinforcing the information I received in reading the book, “Radical Remission.” Dr. Kelly Turner is personable, attentive, informative, and compassionate. Personally, I have benefited from exploring alternative healing methods and incorporating them into my protocol.”
Course Content
Kelly Turner, PhD has spent over a decade analyzing more than 1,500 cases of radical remission — people who survive cancer against all odds — and distilled the common threads from these extraordinary examples of healing. Whether you are trying to prevent cancer or overcome it, this course will give you the tools you need to thrive and the support to start using them, right from the first module.
Module 1
Finding Strong Reasons For Living
Module 2
Taking Control of Your Health
Module 3
Radically Changing Your Diet
Module 4
Following Your Intuition
Module 5
Releasing Suppressed Emotions
Module 6
Increasing Positive Emotions
Module 7
Taking Herbs & Supplements
Module 8
Deepening Your Spiritual Connection
Module 9
Embracing Social Support
Required Reading
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
PLUS! Exclusive Bonus Materials from Industry Pioneers Dr. Lissa Rankin, Chris Wark, Dr. Pam Popper and more!
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Radical Remission?A Radical Remission is a statistically unlikely remission from cancer or another illness, and can include remissions that occur 1) without any conventional medical treatment, or 2) after conventional treatment has failed, or 3) when conventional and complementary methods are used at the same time to overcome a dire prognosis (that is, anything with a <25% 5-year survival rate).
What is the answer to the "Finding Your Calling" exercise in 'Radical Remission'?Thank you for taking the time to complete this exercise on "Finding Your Calling." Here is the answer: When your responses to Parts 1 and 2 become similar, you will be very close to finding your true calling. In other words, when what you choose to do with your life when you have unlimited wealth and guaranteed success matches what you choose to do with your life when you have only 1.5 years left to live, then you know that you have identified some of your deepest desires. Look for any common elements from your answers to Parts 1 and 2 -- and start there!
How can I watch the Radical Remission Docuseries?The 10-episode Radical Remission Docuseries is available for purchase and streaming at www.RadicalRemissionDocuseries.com. You may watch Episode #1 for free on YouTube, as well as the trailer.
How can I stay updated on Radical Remission news?The Radical Remission Newsletter is a weekly email that keeps readers up-to-date with the latest Radical Remission news, as well as events, books, and research happening in and around the Radical Remission community. You may subscribe on our home page.
How can I find Radical Remission as an audiobook or in other languages?Radical Remission is an English audiobook and has been translated into over 20 languages, including Bulgarian (click here), Chinese (click here), Czech (click here), Danish (click here), Dutch (click here), Estonian (click here), Finnish (click here), French (click here), German (click here), Hebrew (click here), Japanese (click here), Korean (click here), Norwegian (click here), Polish (click here), Portuguese (for Brazil, click here; for Portugal, click here), Romanian (click here), Russian (click here), Slovak (click here), Spanish (click here), and Turkish (click here).
What can I do to learn even more about Radical Remission and the 10 Key Factors?Dr. Kelly A. Turner has developed a self-paced, online course for you to learn how to implement the Key Radical Remission Healing Factors into your own life. You may also find live in-person and virtual workshops offered by our Certified Radical Remission Workshop Instructors here. Finally, you may find individualized support from our Certified Radical Remission Health Coaches here.
How can I share my healing story with the Radical Remission Project?Our team of researchers would love to hear your healing story! Please click here to share your story with us.
I have experienced a Radical Remission from a diagnosis other than cancer. Do you still want to hear my healing story?YES! Our ongoing research indicates that the 10 Key Healing factors from Dr. Turner's initial research may also apply to other illnesses (which is why cases of RR from M.S. and Alzheimer's were featured in Dr. Turner's follow-up book, "Radical Hope"). If you experienced a statistically unlikely remission from ANY disease, please share your healing story with our team of researchers here.
Will Radical Remission help me find a cure for my diagnosis?The Radical Remission Project does not offer any guarantee of remission by using the 10 key healing factors. Dr. Turner's research has only been conducted on the population of people who have already experienced Radical Remissions; therefore, we do not yet know if the results of this research are generalizable to the general public. However, all 10 Key Healing factors uncovered in Turner's research have been shown (in independent research studies) to significantly enhance and strengthen the immune system.
Does Dr. Kelly A. Turner know of a Radical Remission for my type of cancer?Radical Remissions have been reported across ALL cancer types. Although we do not publish our entire database of RR cases, you may browse through our Featured Healing Stories here, and additional cases are included in Dr. Turner's two books and 10-episode docuseries. Due to high demand, Dr. Turner cannot respond to individual requests for finding a certain kind of radical remission.
Can Dr. Turner offer me medical advice for a specific diagnosis?Dr. Kelly A. Turner is no longer offering one-on-one consults. She hopes you will find encouragement in her books, docuseries, and online course. However, Dr. Turner has personally trained over 100 Certified Radical Remission Health Coaches, which you can browse through here. In addition, if you are looking for an integrative oncologist, we recommend finding one who is a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology.
Can Dr. Turner recommend an integrative doctor/healer for me?Kelly A. Turner, PhD does not recommend any particular doctors/healers, but she can recommend SIO’s page, Glenn’s page, and OncANP‘s page to help you in your search.
I don't have cancer. Is Radical Remission still for me?The Radical Remission Project originally studied cancer survivors, but now studies anyone who heals from any illness or condition in a statistically unlikely way. Anyone is welcome to share their healing story with us here, and Dr. Turner's latest book, Radical Hope, includes radical remission stories from cancer, M.S., and Alzheimer's.
My family member/friend just received a diagnosis. What can I do to help them?The Radical Remission website has many resources that your friend/family member may find helpful, from our books, docuseries, and online course to live workshops, one-on-one coaching, and featured healing stories.
How do I become a Radical Remission Certified Workshop Instructor and Health Coach?We typically offer a Radical Remission Health Coach & Workshop Instructor training every 1-2 years, usually in the Fall. To join our waitlist and learn more about our prerequisites, please click here.
I'd like to purchase the books Radical Remission and/or Radical Hope in bulk. How can I do that?Harper Collins publishes "Radical Remission" and their policy is this: To buy books in quantity of 50 or more for corporate use or sales incentives, contact spsales@harpercollins.com or call (212) 207-7528. For quantities of less than 50, send an e-mail to orders@harpercollins.com or phone 1-800-242-7737. Hay House publishes "Radical Hope" and they have partnered with Penguin Random House Publishers Services (PRHPS) for Bulk Sales and Fulfillment. You can find out all about PRHPS offerings by visiting: www.penguinrandomhouse.biz . Here are a few helpful contacts to get you started: By Email: To set up a new account or have general queries contact: customerservice@penguinrandomhouse.com If you have an account established with PRHPS send your order to: csorders@penguinrandomhouse.com By Phone: 1-800-726-0600 or 1-800-733-3000 in the U.S., 1-888-523-9292 in Canada, or 1-410-848-1900 for international inquiries (Business Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. EST)
More Questions About the Course?
Please note: If you just purchased the course and can’t find the email with your registration instructions, please be sure to check your email account that is associated with your Paypal account. Also check any Spam folders and ‘Promotions’ tabs in your email account. If you still can’t find your registration email, or if you have other questions, please email us at info@radicalremission.com and we will be happy to assist you.